I’m Cristina Jaramillo
Why is my company named Little Red Writing Boutique?
I’m short (5’2).
I’m a redhead (is it natural?).
I’m a freelance writer (and I love it!)
My career started when I was roughly three-years-old. At the time, my mom bought me a beautiful Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs pop-up book. Shortly after, she found me with a pair of scissors in-hand. When she asked what I had done, I nonchalantly replied that I cut the wicked witch out of the book because I didn’t want her in the story. That marked the beginning of my career as an editor, writer, and storyteller.
Since then, I’ve worked with several companies and clients helping to amplify their brand voice and tell their stories. I’ve written for travel and tourism, education, non-profits, and consumer products.
My writing has appeared in TravelPulse, Military Spouse, Luxury Travel Advisor, Recommend, Yachting, TravelWeekly, Destination Bahamas International, Where When How, TravelAgent, WESTJET Vacations, Up and Away: Bahamas Inflight Magazine, and others.
In addition to being a writer, I’m a globetrotter, cheese-lover and perpetual kid-at-heart. (Beware pop-up books!)